Welcome to CleaverClan! Are you ready to be a girlboss? Do you have what it takes to be a #bossbabe? If this sounds like you, join our MLM CleaverClan! We give you flexible hours and the chance to be your own boss and to set your own schedule!
This is a message from your leader, the almighty crim. An update here.

1. steal this and I'll steal your kidneys!!! just ask cleaver the coding god senpai smh she's my second brain cell!! idm if you inspo from this, but it's nice to lmk!

2. cleaver is the ultimate #girlboss. to complete the game, you need to take her down.

3. crim is the best. she's our god. cleaver is the messenger but crim is the ultimate diety

4. you're responsible for recruiting 5 more #bossbabes or you won't get your promotion 5. eat your rice and take care of your plants
layout & graphics belong to achromatic ! I swear this is the last credit I'm going to put here. Thank you Eve for your tutorials and help! Images all found on unsplash or pinterest!
played by cleaver and other notes

what's the big Deal

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed euismod gravida sapien sit amet vulputate. Nam pulvinar neque id consequat tristique. Nam molestie, nisi condimentum imperdiet pretium, sem odio venenatis ante, vel porttitor lectus lectus eu tortor. Aliquam erat volutpat. Donec blandit sodales libero, eu pharetra erat egestas quis. Sed egestas neque at viverra vulputate. Suspendisse euismod odio nec velit fermentum, eget mattis tortor sagittis. Sed pharetra, diam nec feugiat auctor, tortor odio tincidunt metus, in dapibus velit nisi id dolor. Nulla et mauris massa.

Donec ut nisl id sem cursus lacinia. Aenean ac purus ante. Pellentesque ac risus ex. Curabitur nulla quam, molestie eget auctor ac, vulputate sit amet eros. Proin sem leo, ullamcorper et euismod eu, feugiat tristique nibh. Vestibulum vel sagittis neque, ut tempus nulla. Praesent nibh est, vehicula vitae enim vehicula, ultricies blandit sapien. Vestibulum in metus commodo, finibus turpis ac, malesuada purus. Donec ultrices dui nulla, fermentum dignissim ante interdum et. Praesent scelerisque sagittis pulvinar. Nunc eget lobortis metus. In pretium ipsum nec dictum facilisis. Ut lorem augue, eleifend vel vulputate eu, interdum eu ex. Donec metus purus, ornare eget metus in, luctus viverra velit. In dapibus, erat eu eleifend semper, libero arcu vestibulum orci, ac bibendum quam orci quis magna.
played by cleaver


Incredibly precise and always in control, this keen tomcat doesn't take a step that he hasn't already considered from several different angles. He only feels safe and confident when he has a grasp on the events swirling around him and is constantly making subtle rearrangements to suit his purposes. His patience is unyielding, his mask unbreakable, and everyone else sees only what he allows them to peek at. It's no secret that Robinring must always be the smartest cat in the room, but more hidden is the ice in his eyes and the efficiency of his bitter swift retribution. An undersized multicolor tom with pale blue eyes.

Mate: Roseshade
Kits: (nieces/nephews; Gar x Brindle)
played by cleaver dayclan


The chosen one. The hero. Sometimes he can scarcely believe it’s him of all cats—aren’t heroes supposed to be born of greatness? He fiercely loved his parents Dancingjellyfish and Hedgehogash, but they were just normal warriors. His sister was the special one, hand-chosen to be medicine cat apprentice, and he was proud of her. He was a little upset they wouldn’t train together, and a little jealous, but he loved Vixenpaw and he was proud of her. He was just a normal cat then; he remembers those kit days fondly, though they feel distant as a dream. One he became an apprentice everything changed as the StarClan warrior Yellowmoon informed of his tragic destiny. His sister was inept, she was confused, she was wrong, and if she was allowed to become a healer she would take lives by accident instead of saving them. Brakewings was the only one that could stop her— by taking her place. He wrestled with the decision for moons as he trained, but as their parents and siblings Doekit and Wolverinekit perished, he started to believe his spirit guide was right. He became a warrior but it wasn’t his destiny and he had to become medicine cat before it was too late, or all those deaths would be on his paws. Brakewings is a calm and brave cat, reasonable, with a good heart and a warm smile. He wants to help his clan to the best of his ability and his confidence has only grown with the revelations about his future. He’s a bit of a pushover and tends to nod along even when he doesn’t agree, then act on his own when he has time. When he believes he’s in the right, Brakewings is impulsive: when nobody is watching he’ll disobey an order or look after an enemy because his conscience urges him too. Yellowmoon taught him herbs alongside warrior moves, different herbs than his mentor, and he tends to believe his sprit guide over the living. A solemn and determined tom that believes the best of his clanmates, it never occurred to him to question Yellowmoon’s story, so he is unaware of the truth: it’s all a lie. The Dark Forest she-cat fabricated everything and only wants to use him to harm the clan, and he’s playing right into her paws.

Mate: None
Kits: (With Defiledblood) Pulsarpaw/ban (ian), Galaxykit/takeover (ashestoashes), Constellationkit/haunt (seeker), Yellowmoonkit/eternal (lore), Astralkit/travel (Open), Novakit/secret (shadow)
played by cleaver


The white bow he wears around his throat is a reminder of his imminent death. He can trace every decision of his life back to that singular article, to the bright and gloomy night that he first received it. The proxy took one look at him, just an innocent young kitten, and declared his only worth was as a meal. Reznor was marked for death, but there is nothing he wants more than life, and he will do whatever it takes to fight for it. He has learned to tame his emotions, to keep them in check, because he can't afford to let his attachments get in his way. Feeding the enemy is the only way to change the color of his ribbon; providing a few kits here and there to appease here is a small price to pay for his own life. And if he can be cold and heartless enough to justify turning his own kin into fresh-kill, what isn't he capable of? Don't be deceived by his soft ashen fur and rounded features; he might look harmless, just a little kid in a big scary world, but he's fighting for his place there. Most other cats don't fight for the right to live. They might struggle to survive, but he is facing a greater uphill battle, and it has hardened his heart. The social chameleon, he can charm with a cocky smile and a wink, a comforting laugh; but beneath the warm exterior he is ice, frozen to the core to block his emotions from overwhelming him. He can play the part, whatever it may be, if it increases his chances of survival. Cruelty is all Reznor has ever known: his parents were uncaring and distant, the proxy loomed over him with her eager threats, his siblings were so wrapped up in their own troubles to spare him a second glance. He doesn't know how to be vulnerable. He tries to hide his weaknesses - every unexpected tap on his shoulder sends his life flashing before his eyes, so he schools himself on remaining alert to his surroundings, constant scanning, refusing to let his fear show. He won't let anyone in, not even the cats he cares about. It isn't just that Reznor doesn't want to scare them away: he can't afford to let them know the truth of him, can't let them make him soft and exposed. He can't afford love. When he reaches his twentieth moon, Reznor will face his untimely end, and until that day he will fight without mercy to change his fate. He has sweet blood of his mother, Misty Rose, and the legendary blood of leaders on his father, Sparrow's, side.

Mate: None
Crush: Wintershine
Kits: Deceased (NPCs, x2)


Sweetwheat DayClan
Summer night sneaking out from behind her moms back felt like trouble, lighting a thrill in her heart and throwing caution to the wind. Her paws skimmed the earth as she followed her brother out the back. Maybe if Harv hadn’t taken notice of the other kit they could have never left their peaceful childhood and quiet clan life. But the moment they walked out of the nursery with the other kit at their side they left their peace and quiet far behind, forgotten as a toy. DayClan was the big destination, the neighboring clan full of wheat. She had never left camp a day in her life though, the tunnels winded and the thrill of becoming lost intoxicated her mind, begging her paws to move further, see what was around every corner. If there was a string tied around her tail she would have tied herself up exploring every crevice if she could. When they emerged from the tunnels there was a river in their way and a long way to DayClan if they walked all the way around. Harv and Sweet chose to brave it, but they were older, a bit more nimble with sharper claws to hang onto rocks. The other kit was younger, more clumsy and his claws hadn’t grown in. He slipped, cracked his head open on a rock while choking down on water. No one knows if the head injury killed him or if he drowned. Harv and Sweet never blamed themselves, they blamed it on the twisting maze, the adults for not paying better attention, the current for being too fast, and the rocks for being too slippery. The guilt of killing the kit ran over her mind like she was water and the guilt was water. Never allowing it to touch her, but it poisoned her pureness nonetheless. The Sun God had little sympathy and cursed her and her brother to be forced to feel the pain the kit felt. They were hacking up water, heads pounding for a whole week as they suffered and lived. A slave to their own mortality, death follows Sweet closely. She has many near death experiences, but nothing can ever be enough to end her suffering. Sweet is very conflicted on where her heart lies in SunClan, sometimes dreaming of finding refuge in DayClan among the sweet wheat. Written by Faith.

Donec ut nisl id sem cursus lacinia. Aenean ac purus ante. Pellentesque ac risus ex. Curabitur nulla quam, molestie eget auctor ac, vulputate sit amet eros. Proin sem leo, ullamcorper et euismod eu, feugiat tristique nibh. Vestibulum vel sagittis neque, ut tempus nulla. Praesent nibh est, vehicula vitae enim vehicula, ultricies blandit sapien. Vestibulum in metus commodo, finibus turpis ac, malesuada purus. Donec ultrices dui nulla, fermentum dignissim ante interdum et. Praesent scelerisque sagittis pulvinar. Nunc eget lobortis metus. In pretium ipsum nec dictum facilisis. Ut lorem augue, eleifend vel vulputate eu, interdum eu ex. Donec metus purus, ornare eget metus in, luctus viverra velit. In dapibus, erat eu eleifend semper, libero arcu vestibulum orci, ac bibendum quam orci quis magna.

Proin hendrerit convallis velit vitae egestas. In finibus sagittis diam ultricies sodales. Donec id consequat nulla. Nulla tincidunt risus urna, nec pretium lectus tempus aliquam. Vivamus placerat finibus dui at convallis. Mauris consectetur vestibulum nisl cursus pretium. Duis volutpat in justo sed tristique. Proin luctus turpis nec ultricies elementum. Nulla facilisi. Nunc fermentum ullamcorper imperdiet. Aenean euismod sed eros eu ullamcorper. Sed magna nisi, mollis sed lobortis sed, pellentesque quis ipsum. Nullam porta cursus neque, a vestibulum neque mattis ut.

Maecenas dignissim ornare cursus. Praesent maximus nec nunc non vestibulum. Integer efficitur dolor pretium sapien varius, vel porta elit finibus. Nunc posuere ante quis pharetra varius. Nullam quis neque blandit, tristique arcu sit amet, eleifend nisi. Aliquam scelerisque odio non massa imperdiet ultrices. Morbi ligula orci, sodales eu nunc eget, viverra pretium nulla. Nam eu odio fermentum, pharetra ligula in, egestas quam. Ut in lacus ligula. Cras sollicitudin bibendum malesuada. Sed posuere felis vitae ex aliquam iaculis. Maecenas id lorem tristique, mollis urna in, ultricies leo. Suspendisse vitae viverra turpis. Nulla facilisi. Mauris odio metus, dictum in nisl at, laoreet suscipit ex.

Nulla facilisi. Quisque nec nibh nulla. Praesent rutrum urna sit amet nisl pharetra, nec sagittis risus placerat. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam ac imperdiet massa. Duis in faucibus neque, non egestas odio. Integer vulputate nibh eu hendrerit aliquet. Etiam eu imperdiet urna, eu tincidunt lacus. Vestibulum ultrices ligula dolor, eu lobortis leo pretium in. Suspendisse blandit nulla eget nisi pretium posuere. Morbi sodales felis sit amet nisl feugiat, eu commodo elit hendrerit. Nam eu semper magna, quis scelerisque nisl. Donec sed luctus ligula. Proin elit sapien, rhoncus sit amet volutpat quis, accumsan eu erat. Sed id tellus id urna interdum lacinia vitae sed dolor.





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